Fortune-telling with Shagai dice

Fortune-telling with Shagai dice

Shagai fortune-telling is an ancient Mongolian traditional divination method that allows one to glimpse into the future and find the answer to their question. Divination is performed using ankle bones from sheep, often painted in bright colors. Mongolians still exchange shagai as a sign of friendship. The bones are stored in a small pouch. Such bones were used in many ancient cultures.

The diviner takes 4 ankle bones in their palm and whispers their wish to them, then throws the shagai on the ground or table. The result depends on which side the ankle bones land on. The possible positions of the shagai are one of four sides: camel, horse, goat, or sheep. The two convex sides - horse and sheep - are considered lucky signs, while the concave sides - goat and camel - foretell misfortune.

Ask the Shagai your question and find out if your wish will come true.